
How long does it take?

The procedure takes roughly about 3 hours, sometimes more sometimes less. Please allow a solid 4-hour window for your appointment. I likely won’t need that much time, but this something I will not rush. Also depends on the service. Please reference times when booking.

What should I expect during the healing process?

Time frame of healing process vary per individual

Day 1-2:
Brows will appear slightly thicker and darker than what you’ve expected. Sometimes may appear uneven because they may be swollen and some redness may still persist on some clients.

Days 3-14:
Brows will be dry and itchy. Some clients slightly peel, while others may experience some scabbing. Once they start flaking, some areas of the eyebrows will fade more than others and as the pigment oxidizes, it will start to darken up again over a 3-4 week period. It may take up to four to six weeks for the true color to come through. Don’t be alarmed if the color seems to disappear during the healing process, this is due to layers of skin forming and is only temporary. We have no control over our body healing process, so please be patient. Any concerns can all be addressed during the touch up appointment.
