

Is it safe?

Yes. Sterilized, single use, disposable needles and supplies are used during the process.

Does it hurt?

Although everyone has a different level of sensitivity. Topical anesthetics are applied during the treatment to alleviate discomfort (most my clients fall asleep)

Will I be swollen?

You might have some swelling and have slightly red skin around eyebrows, but this would only last for a few hours.

Will eyebrow tattooing harm any existing eyebrow hair?

No, it will not harm any existing eyebrow hairs, as hair growth is mainly affected by hormones, health, and to a lesser extent, nutrition. However in some clients, getting an eyebrow tattoo can possibly stimulate hair to grow in the area that the tattoo is done. When this happens it's a real added bonus!

I have heard some clients just do not retain pigment even after a few visits. Could this happen?

Yes, it does happen and yes it's true! A third appointment is often set up so the client has the opportunity to return and I get the chance to review the work and sort out any (if any) tweaks that might need to be done. Often times the clients cancel this apt as all is usually well, however there are the occasional few that may need one or two extra strokes to finish off the look. Some ladies skin may react to the trauma of the tattooing, and the skin may try to push out the foreign body of pigment by producing an extreme scab, so they eventually fall off taking all the pigment with it. There is a condition called Pigment Allergy (PPD Allergy, a condition known by dermatologists) or Auto Immune disease symptoms (the client may not even be aware of it). The skin would have over reacted and become super sensitive to the pigment and reject it at any cost.